
Part-1: Localization in Angular

  • Purpose of the Article:To help Angular Developers implement Localization using translation files locally in Angular applications
  • Intended Audience: Angular Developers
  • Tools and Technology: Angular, Ngx-Translation
  • Keywords: Localization, Translation

The blog seeks to explain the following topics:

  • What is Localization?
  • How to implement Localization locally?
  • How to implement Localization Externally?

What is Localization?

Localization is a process of making an application support various languages.

i.e., extracting text for Translation into different languages.

Approach 1:

Step to Create a project using angular cli:

  • Install angular cli using the command below in the command prompt

     npm install -g @angular/cli   

  • Run ng newfollowed by the application name

eg: ng new my-first-application

  • To go to the created project folder, enter the command below

eg: cd my-first-application

  • To run the project command

ng serve

Step to implement Localization using JSON files locally

  • Below, you can check ngx-translate versions corresponding to Angular versions

– Install ngx-translate using the command below

    npm install @ngx-translate/core @ngx-translate/http-loader

–  Import the TranslateLoader in the provider, which helps load translation files from the assets

– Import the TranslateModule in the AppModule, which provides access to core translation services, pipes, and directives

import {TranslateModule, TranslateLoader} from ‘@ngx-translate/core’;

import {TranslateHttpLoader} from ‘@ngx-translate/http-loader’;

export function HttpLoaderFactory(http: HttpClient) {

return new TranslateHttpLoader(http);



imports: [


loader: {

provide: TranslateLoader,





export class AppModule { }

  • The set default language for the application

import {TranslateService} from ‘@ngx-translate/core’;export class AppComponent {    constructor(translate: TranslateService) {        translate.setDefaultLang(‘en’);        translate.use(‘en’);    }}

  • Create the JSON translation files. You need to create the JSON file in assets

eg: en.json file

“sectionTitles”: {dashboard”: “Dashboard”}


eg: ar.json file

“sectionTitles”:{“dashboard”:لوحة القيادة}

  • Use Translation in your code using the translate pipe

<h1> {{‘sectionTitles.dashboard’ | translate }} </h1>

–  Run the project

– The output will be the language you want; here, we have selected Arabic language so all the text from the page is translated into Arabic

Wrapping Up:

Hopefully, this article has helped in using Localization in Angular applications. We now understand how to use the translation files locally and externally using Firebase, and we also know how Firebase stores them.


Author Bio:

Picture of Netra Mohan Lohar

Netra Mohan Lohar

Principal Software Engineer - Digital Transformation

I am Front End Developer with 4 years of experience. I am a collaborative and creative front-end developer, experienced in various front-end frameworks like angular and have knowledge on HTML, CSS, JavaScript. I am fond of learning new technologies and sharing my knowledge with others.

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